Laser Acupuncture Pen
Have you thought about treating your body aches and pains with acupuncture but are afraid of being punctured with needles? Well, fear no more and try the Electronic Laser Acupuncture Pen instead! This pen is a painless, acupuncture-type stimulation which uses an electric pulse to activate tissues, firm sagging and aging skin, promote healthy blood circulation, detox the meridians and help to reduce muscle pain!
Needleless Acupuncture – There are no needles involved, so there is no skin piercing. Simply press the pen to the affected areas and it will release an electric pulse to stimulate the meridian and acupuncture points in your body for healing and pain relief.
Alternative Treatment- The Electronic Acupuncture Pen has no side effects, unlike medicated painkillers and other drugs used to treat chronic pain. It’s great for treating acute and chronic physical pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, sciatica, migraine, sports injuries and muscle, joint and back pains.
Easy To Use – The Electronic Acupuncture Pen only needs One AA Battery (not included) to function. It has a digital display that shows the strength of the electrical pulse output (0 – weakest and 9 – strongest). Simply press the start button to increase or decrease the strength of the electric pulse.
Features Two Special Functions – The Dome Head is superficial therapy, applicable for health care and facial beautification, while the Spheroidal Head is partial therapy, applicable for quickly alleviating pain.
Portable Pain Reliever- The Electronic Acupuncture Pen is lightweight and fits easily in your pocket, bag or pouch. Use it while traveling or just for a long day at work, where you’ll need relief from your pain.
* If you have a pacemaker, use of this product is not recommended!
Package Include:
- 1 x Laser Acupuncture Pen
I've been trying to find pain relief for my fingers after working at a keyboard all day and I was ready to give anything a go.
Out of the box just insert the AA battery and you are good to go, set the required number on the device (1-10) and find the spot of pain, you will know the right spot because the muscle will twitch with the pulses, the number settings aren't levels of power they are the speed of pulses, find a comfortable level and try to keep it in the required spot for 15 mins.
I used this straight after work at around 5pm and my fingers felt much better by bed time, they had previously been hurting through the night.
Overall although this feels cheap and I don't know how long it will last I am pleased with the results and if you are on a budget it is ideal.
Absolutely fantastic really works the muscles. Has many different levels which is great and can get very intense on highest level. Can't fault the item at all!!
So I ordered this one, half expecting another return/failure. I was pleasantly surprised that it works as expected. Though I haven't figured out why I get a slight shock, only at times, in the hand holding the device. No worries - glad it works!